The only and the most modern superior 5d cinema system in Vietnam (5d cinema market in Vietnam – 5d cinema installation advice)
The first time in Vietnam, the real 5D cinema is presented to audience, dramatically different from other fake 5D cinema. So what are special things?
1.Outstanding special effects:
- Real flame spraying effects: real flame 1m-5m length directs from the big screen to the audience to make sense of horror to the viewers.
- 15 odors effects: 15 kinds of odors filling the room make the audience be in harmony with the scene in the films.
- Spurting out water: water with high speed spurts out directly to the audience making them shock.
- 06 cylinders system using hydraulic creates the strong vibrating feeling that shocks viewers’ hearts.
Especially, these effects can be customized according to the demand. At this moment, IRTC supplied up to 18 effects and 15 odors.
2. How to know which supplier has the best quality?
Accidentally, there are 3 movie theater of 3 different suppliers: two at Freshwater Lake, one at Super market and IRTC is one of two at Freshwater Lake like pictures in this web. Invite youtovisitall03theaters, in order tofeel the superiorintechnologyofIRTCcompany.
3.How to distinguish true5D cinemasystemandfake 5D cinema system?
- Real 5D cinema system: 06 hydraulic cylinders system, different from fake 5D cinema using 03 cylinders or 06 air cylinders. Real 5D cinema system creates the strong vibrating feeling in the car broken down the abyss or crashing into wall scenes. Fake 5D cinema systems move too slightly, do not even move in some scenes. Some relatively visual images below are useful to distinguish:
Real 5D cinema chairs are arranged in a cluster that makes you feel like seating in a car. And fake 5D cinema chairs are arranged in breadth and different in technology so the vibrating feeling is always erroneous in compared with the scene on films. Especially, the motion of fake 5D chair is so weak that with the person over 70kg, it is poor in vibrating and even can not vibrate. Welcome you to the South, in Soc Trang City to experience the different in technology.
- At this time, IRTC can supply up to 18 special effects only in Vietnam. Some fakecompanies alsosupply this system, butcan not providewithmoderntechniqueslike these of IRTC. To verify the information, please contact IRTC directly and you can find the truth.
This is a typical example: reactive system that IRTC supplies has effect that is a very strong and surprising with nearly 0oC cold air spraying straightly into the audience’s face, making the extremely terror , surprised and unforgettable feeling . it is useful to advertise. But some other companies, by dint of not understanding about this technology, supply completely different equipment, name the effects similarly to the IRTC’s effects but the quality is much poorer.
IRTC Head Office- No 2209, CT5A Building, Tân Triều ward, Thanh Tri district, Hanoi city, Việt nam. Branch: Floor 09, No 68, Nguyen Hue street, Ben Nghe ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam.