Hot Line: 0912.353.353

Special cinema
Game 9D VR
8D 360 degree cinema
7D gun 01 projector
7D gun 02 projector
6D cinema 180 degree curved screen
6D cinema 160 degree curved screen
Battle war simulation
Normal cinema
5D cinema
4D cinema with vibration
4D cinema Suoi Tien
4D cinema Dai Nam
3D cinema 180 degree curved screen
3D cinema 160 degree curved screen
3D cinema
Cinema Decoration
8D cinema
Mobile cinema
Fixed cinema
Film List
8D 360 degree cinema
7D gun 01 projector
7D gun 02 projector
6D cinema curved screen
Equipment retail
3D glasses
3D silver screen
3D filter
Cinema Upgrade
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Phòng chiếu 3D - Công nghệ 3D vượt trội

Phòng chiếu 3D - Công nghệ 3D vượt trội

Phòng chiếu 3D - Công nghệ 3D vượt trội

Phòng chiếu 3D - Công nghệ 3D vượt trội

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Phòng chiếu 3D - Công nghệ 3D vượt trội

Phòng chiếu 3D - Công nghệ 3D vượt trội

Technology news

5D cinema - pscmedia.vn - 5D movie theater - 5D cinema system - 5D cinema system installation advice - 5D leisure trends in Vietnam

According to the research about 4D cinema trend in Vietnam as well as technology surveys, 5D cinema business form of the advanced countries in the world…

Rạp chiếu phim 5D

… Theo những tìm hiểu về trào lưu xem phim 4D tại Việt Nam cũng như khảo sát công nghệ, hình thức kinh doanh rạp chiếu phim 5D của các nước tiên tiến trên thế giới, PSC Media đang tìm kiếm đối tác trong việc đầu tư xây dựng cụm rạp chiếu phim 5D ở  hai TP lớn là Hà Nội và TP.HCM.  Với công nghệ tiên tiến trên Thế giới do CHLB Đức sản xuất. Đây là một dự án mang tính khả thi, được thẩm định qua nhu cầu và thị hiếu của công chúng tại các TP lớn - với vốn đầu tư hợp lý so với lợi nhuận thu được trong một thời gian nhất định (rạp chiếu phim 5D).

Other news

2 million dollar for 4D cinema in Hanoi – 4D cinema – 4D cinema designing place – 4d equipment purchasing – 4D projector for hire

It is very difficult to sell flowers while movie theaters are out of tickets on Valentine Day – 3D cinema – 4D cinema market in Vietnam – 5D cinema installing advice

Games 5D Film – 5D movie technology – 5D entertainment trend – advise odor 5D cinema system – installation of odor 5D cinema system – advise installation of 5D movie theater.

5D movie theater was presented at “Hollywood House" – 5D cinema – 5D cinema system – purchase 5D cinema systems – upgrade 3D movie theater.

Hanoi is about to have strong feeling 4D cinema – 4D Movie theater – decorate the inside of 4D movie theater – 4D market in Vietnam – 4D cinema furniture – outside of 4D cinema

Advise , install 3D, 4D, 5D movie theater all over Vietnam – 4D cinema installation – 5D cinema system for hire – upgrade 3D cinema to 5D cinema

Opening the first odor 5D movie theater in Vietnam – odor 5D Cinema system – install odor 5D cinema system – where to find advice about odor 5D cinema installation? Consultants installed cinema systems 5D smell?

4D movie theater is under the cloak of 5D cinema – 4D movie theater – 5D cinema market in Vietnam (where to buy 5D cinema equipment?) 5D cinema trend

5D cinema Hollywood House – 5D cinema – 5D movie theater – upgrade 3D cinema to 5d cinema – where to decorate the outside of 5D cinema? – advise the installing design of 5D cinema

Watching 5D movie with singer Ong Cao Thang – 5D cinema trends – 5D entertainment – 5D movie theater – 5D business – 5D cinema installing design

What is the difference in 5D ? 5D cinema trend – 5D cinema system – installation 5D cinema – 5D cinema in purchase – design the inside of 5D cinema – where to get advice about 5D system?


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3D News

Cinema 8D technology screened in Hai Duong

9D VR - A virtual reality game, that take you to wonderland.

Cinema 8D introduced at Suoi Tien Cultural Tourism

Present 5D Movie Theater Demo at IRTC – design 5D cinema system – 5D entertainment trend

Opening 5D Movie Theater at The Central of Hai Phong City – design 5d cinema – 5d movie in Vietnam

Introduce the first creating 4.5 meter lightning effect system in Vietnam – design the inside of 5D cinema – supply 5D cinema equipment.

Introduce mobile 5D cinema system – mobile 5D cinema – 5D cinema equipment

Introduce the first curved screen in Vietnam – 5d market in Vietnam – install curved screen 5d cinema system

Liên kết    

Phòng chiếu 3D - Công nghệ 3D vượt trội

Phòng chiếu 3D - Công nghệ 3D vượt trội

Phòng chiếu 3D - Công nghệ 3D vượt trội

Copyright 2012 © International Technology Research Investment Development and Trade Company Limited

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Branch: Floor 09, No 68, Nguyen Hue street, Ben Nghe ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam.

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